What is The GECCE Program?

The GECCE (GUE Early Career Candidate Experience) is a GUE Ecosystem collaboration program with top universities in Indonesia to give opportunities for both active students and graduates. We have four main programs.

What is The GUE Champion?

The GUE Champion is a soft skill development program for college students in semester 6 to 8 (or those in their third or fourth year). In this program, the student will receive webinar classes about public speaking and leadershipfrom GUE Ecosystem members. The student will also get sponsorship in the form of an allowance for one year.


What is The GUE Apprentice Program?

This program is intended for the last semester students or fresh graduates who are looking for an internship program in a digital health tech startup. In this program, you will handle projects for four to twelve months. You will also be accompanied by a buddy, the expert from GUE Ecosystem, to help you finish the project. This program is dedicated to last semester students or fresh graduate.

What is The GUE Graduate Program?

The GUE Graduate Program is a special program that aims to develop Future Leader. If you are a fresh graduate with 2 years of experience and eager to accelerate your career, this is the right program for you. After being accepted into this program, you will be mentored by managerial to Chief-level GUE members.If you can pass this program, which is approximately 1.5 years long, you will be able to enter the senior level immediately. This program focuses on business areas and is open to students from all majors.


What is The GUE Health Tech Graduate?

Similar to the GUE Graduate Program, this is a career acceleration program but focuses on tech areas. This program is suitable for computer science, informatics engineering, information system, or engineering graduates. During the program, you will be mentored by managerial-level GUE members.

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